Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm Back

Yes, it has been a minute, but I am BACK! Not only am I back to my blog and back on Twitter, but I am BACK to feeling in charge of my life again. It's been a stressful time, full of difficult decisions, but I now have a new job, new hairstyle, new business idea, new investment, and a renewed outlook on life. Some of these involve much more risk than others, all have varying degrees of short-term uncertainty, but I'm going for it and feel great! I am also recently engaged to my very loving BF and looking forward to joining the Married club :-)

I visited a friend and her daughters over the weekend and we all went to see Night at the Museum at the theater. I enjoy when PG-rated movies can be equally enjoyable for both children and adults. Within that movie was the overall theme of following your heart. At one point, Robin Williams' character provided insight that the Key to Life is "doing what you enjoy and being around people you love". I may not have quoted it exact but you get the point :) Needless to say, it seemed as if he spoke to me and further confirmed what we all know but find it hard to accept at times, I think because it sounds so simple.

In your search for "IT", it's important for us all to remember that life is not promised and though rough times are inevitable, we need to find enjoyment in as much as possible each day. Find balance, joy, excitement, laughter, peace and happiness within your daily life and if what you are doing does not bring about those attributes, then make a plan and stick to it until the necessary change comes. As I've learned, this will involve some form of sacrifice but after weighing the often intangible cost/benefits, the answer is sure to surface.

Live Your Life!

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