Friday, February 13, 2009

Coach Me

We often tend to think we can do everything on our own...maybe that's why so many of us are STRESSSSED out! Yes, I have a college education, years of experience, diversified interests and desire to have a stable, gratifying career. But, what in the world is my best fit? What do I really want to do? I know it's not my current job, but how can I best leverage my knowledge, skills and abilities to find what I know exists?

I've had track coaches, cheerleading coaches, college counselors and mentors all providing direction, support and encouragement. Though I didn't always win the race (sadly sometimes came in last) and at times even messed up during a half-time routine, but I still completed the task and they continued to coach and help bring out the best ME.

Well, I've now resorted to a career coach. We've only met once and have another meeting coming up next week where my results from the Meyers-Briggs assessment will be analyzed, applicable career fits discussed and my personal statement evaluated. Yes, I said personal statement...summarizing who I am and what I want all in a few sentences (ummm, that's the million dollar question!) What do I want? I've spent countless time thinking on that one, but will have to write some drafts down over the weekend).

I'm excited about this new venture towards self-discovery, it's a good sounding board with an unbiased party. I'm even kinda intrigued that he had a name for my varied work background and interests "Portfolio Career"...imagine that. It's not what jobs I've had, but what skills I can bring to the table. Through coaching, networking and taking steps towards personal development, I'm ready to WIN! I'm ready to BRING IT!

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