Thursday, January 8, 2009

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Seriously…even if you are already “grown up”, what do you want to be?

I’m sure we all got this question a lot as kids. Well, when I was six I thought it’d be cool to be a secretary…sit in a cute office, type letters and wear nice clothes (hey, that’s what they did on TV).

When I was eleven, I wanted to be on television, maybe an actress or news anchor. I thought it would be SO cool to have a captive television audience and I REALLY wanted to be on the Cosby show. When young, the imagination is oh so free to run wild and envision all the possibilities. I would spend hours imagining what my life would be like once I grew up.

At sixteen, I went through the process of elimination among becoming a doctor (blood or needles, no thanks), lawyer (I was too shy) or engineer (I’m no math whiz). My household was well below the median income, and I was determined to find a job path to ensure I could bring in some dough. Then, I took a bookkeeping class in high school that sealed in my fate…I decided that year to BEcome an Accountant!! Whoo Hoo!

Sooo, that’s what happened. I went on to college, graduated from a great business program and started out my career the traditional way, as an aspiring CPA. Well, several years and no CPA later (long story), instead of others asking me the question, I now frequently ask myself…What do I want to be when I grow up?

Aren’t we entitled to change our minds about a professional path? Is it fair to be penalized if I desire a career shift, even if it ends up being temporary just to see if I find a better fit? Am I crazy for thinking I should be good and settled into a career right now? Am I such a rebel for not being okay with the 9 to 5 (oftentimes 9-6, 7 or 8) shuffle?

Yes, I know I have a lot to be grateful for, especially just having a job these days. Is it so wrong to want to be happy at work or even just content with it? Am I asking too much?

What do you want to be when you grow up? We may be grown physically, but psychological growth may be hindered by the paralysis of fear. How do we grow “up” and out of complaining and start to follow the notion of CLAIMING what we are going to BE. Check out this article outlining steps to make an informed decision.

As stated in a blog that I often find inspirational “When we stay attached to our expectations of what we think life should be, we can’t enjoy the positive within the changing moment.” (source

Despite it all, I'd have to say today was a pretty good workday for a change. Yes, it was hectic, deadlines are fast approaching and I didn't get home until 9pm, BUT I did have a positive meeting with my new manager, learned to laugh at some of the office nonsense AND got a callback for my first commercial audition of the year...that makes for a good day! Let's hope I stay on a roll!

My Claim:

I am going to BE satisfied with my current employment, understanding it’s a temporary means to something greater. I will strive to remain on an active pursuit of Incredible Triumph over complaining and procrastination knowing my life holds much greater purpose. I will find IT!

Claim IT Here:

“I am going to BE _______________________”

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